Monthly Archive: October 2011

Turkey Crossing in Downtown! It is such a site to see two dozen turkeys crossing the street in Sanders Beach!  They have been strolling around for weeks and finding plenty of food in the yards and at the base of Tubbs Hill.  Everyone is talking about them!  I’ve heard they can be a nuisance and some neighborhoods in other areas are annoyed.  …

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Fall is in the air! The leaves are changing, the temperatures dipping and the sun is shining on downtown!  October has truly been gorgeous and a blessing after such a short summer!

here Oct 10

Deer in Sanders Beach!

Best Place To Get Tramadol Online The deer must be coming down from Tubbs Hill, but I haven’t actually seen them! They must sneak over in the night to eat the apples off of our 100 year old apple tree! And, while they’re wandering around in the front yard, they’ve been eating my hosta plants! All the big beautiful leaves are … Continue reading »