go here Over the last 5 years, our little town became very popular to move to! We had a huge influx of retirees, remote workers and young families move here for quality of life! As with the whole United States there has been a lot of movement and growth! Our housing inventory is still low, home prices …
Category Archive: Lake Coeur d’Alene
Happy Spring!
https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/gyxgl6ko5 We are melting! I have a snow berm outside my office window blocking my view of the lake! It is slowly melting! I’ve watched the activity outside our office increase this last week with all of this sunshine. There are more walkers hiking Tubbs Hill! Come visit us at Lakeshore Realty on the 11th Street …
Gorgeous Spring Season at Sanders Beach!
go to link What a gorgeous Spring season we’ve had! I took the dog for a long slow walk to the beach and around Lakeshore Drive! We chose this neighborhood 21 years ago. I live and work in this quaint neighborhood, with an office located on Lakeshore Drive. I also play here, paddle boarding in the summer, enjoying …
Neighborhood of the week – Sanders Beach!
https://guelph-real-estate.ca/lopyaakro I chose this neighborhood 21 years ago. We created a lifestyle, and this is the area for it. I live and work in this quaint neighborhood, with an office located on Lakeshore Drive. I also play here, paddle boarding in the summer, enjoying the beach, and wandering the tree-lined streets. In the 21 years that …
Tramadol Overnight Paypal Nov 15
Coeur d’Alene just made another top 10 list!
follow site Coeur d’Alene just made another top 10 list! It’s about “real, authentic American small towns… where nature is beautiful, shops are unique, and smiles are genuine.” Yes, we are beautiful here and the secret is out! I have mixed feelings……….we want to stay small and authentic, but with the word spreading we may grow too …
Nov 13
Sanders Beach sunset!
We have had such beautiful sunsets these last few months! In Sanders Beach at this time of year, we tend to be shaded by Tubbs Hill early, so we miss the sunsets. When I’ve been out on the boat or out and about in the car, I’ve caught some! When downtown last week leaving a …
Nov 02
Lake Coeur d’alene summer 2014
It must have been a great summer if I haven’t posted one blog since the first of June! I think this was the best summer weather we’ve had in years, but I bet I say that every year! My family and I enjoyed it to the fullest with all of our outdoor activities. My husband …
Mar 14
St. Patrick’s Day Parade!
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saturday, March 15th 4pm “When winter’s Dreams become Summer’s Magic” Parade begins at 8th and Sherman Ave. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we …
Jan 17
Eagle Watching!
Did you make it out to see the Eagles? This was a banner year! We have gone out to Beauty Bay or Higgins Point the past 20 years and we saw more this year than ever! We went on a beautiful sunny 40 degree day! My 18-year old son took the pictures with our new …