get link Over the last 5 years, our little town became very popular to move to! We had a huge influx of retirees, remote workers and young families move here for quality of life! As with the whole United States there has been a lot of movement and growth! Our housing inventory is still low, home prices …
Category Archive: Downtown Life!
see Mar 21
Happy Spring! We are melting! I have a snow berm outside my office window blocking my view of the lake! It is slowly melting! I’ve watched the activity outside our office increase this last week with all of this sunshine. There are more walkers hiking Tubbs Hill! Come visit us at Lakeshore Realty on the 11th Street …
Coeur d’Alene just made another top 10 list! Coeur d’Alene just made another top 10 list! It’s about “real, authentic American small towns… where nature is beautiful, shops are unique, and smiles are genuine.” Yes, we are beautiful here and the secret is out! I have mixed feelings……….we want to stay small and authentic, but with the word spreading we may grow too …
source url Nov 02
Lake Coeur d’alene summer 2014
see url It must have been a great summer if I haven’t posted one blog since the first of June! I think this was the best summer weather we’ve had in years, but I bet I say that every year! My family and I enjoyed it to the fullest with all of our outdoor activities. My husband …
go site Jun 14
Car d’Lane 2014 in downtown Coeur d’Alene!
get link We had great views and front row seats curbside! As always, we enjoyed the Car d’lane cruise on Friday night in downtown! I have not missed one in the 20 years that I’ve lived here! The weather was threatening a down pour, but actually eased up right at the start of the cruise and, started …
May 08
Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!
Friday May 9th ART Walk. Every second Friday, from April – December, stroll through beautiful Downtown Coeur d’Alene and enjoy local and nationally acclaimed artists. Visit supporting restaurants, shops, businesses and galleries with your friends and family! A family-friendly, free event! Come and join us! 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Visit Happy Mother’s Day! Mother’s …
Mar 14
St. Patrick’s Day Parade!
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saturday, March 15th 4pm “When winter’s Dreams become Summer’s Magic” Parade begins at 8th and Sherman Ave. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we …
Feb 10
Happy Anniversary – 20 years!
Happy Anniversary to me! 20 years ago I moved to downtown Coeur d’Alene, to the Sanders Beach area! We lived in a 100 year old home on Front Ave. for a few years then built a home closer to the 11th Street Marina. Our son was born here and he is now 18 and headed to Montana …